Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Did the vote flip? (day 13)

Big Brother 25

We are nearing the end of day 13 within Big Brother 25 and there is one thing we gotta say: The vote may be changing all over again.

So what happened here? Well, it begins with Hisam acting overly arrogant at the Veto Ceremony and saying something that much of the house felt was insulting to Reilly. He later apologized, but the damage was done. There were people debating whether or not to keep her, but the issue seemed to be Izzy — she was unwilling to budge, and Cirie didn’t want to vote separate from her allies. Until tonight, it still felt like Cameron was staying.

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So where did it change? Well, give Cory some credit for working his way into a Cirie – Izzy conversation. He claimed that, per Hisam, people were throwing his name out there, which could be viewed as Hisam subtly trying to push Cirie or Izzy under the bus. They weren’t having that, and this gave them further incentive to go after Hisam. Reilly is on a massive anti-Hisam campaign, and Cirie and Izzy also feel like Hisam is trying to bring in Blue and Jag. If Reilly stays, all of that may stop and they know it. Izzy is now on board with getting Cameron out … for now.

All of this is early and could change, but Felicia also told Reilly in a separate conversation that she was leaning towards keeping her around. All of this is happening while Cameron is sitting around and virtually doing nothing, and we gotta say that at this point, Reilly deserves to stay more … though we understand this show is not really about who deserves anything much of the time.

Related Go ahead and see some other news now on Big Brother 25, including what else could be coming at the Veto Ceremony

Do you think that Reilly staying in Big Brother 25 is the right move?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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