Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results (week 2)
If you watched any of the live feeds this weekend or read some other updates, then you know that Hisam was never going to use his Power of Veto. He nominated Reilly and Cameron for a reason, and he likes to play with this “integrity” that is already grating on some other people. He wants Reilly to go, and seems to feel confident that he has the numbers to do it.
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So where are things now officially? Well, the Ceremony is done and, to the surprise of no one, Hisam didn’t use it. The nominees are the same, and Reilly is probably going to be gone within a few days.
In the aftermath of the Ceremony, we actually saw more of people talking about the future. Cory and America discussed targeting Hisam at some point in the next two weeks, but also noted that they can’t spread that around everywhere. They also discussed how Cameron may have been the person who spilled the beans right around on the eight-person alliance. He seems to be taking the fall for Jared’s actions and still, nobody really feels 100% on him playing both sides. Jag is suspicion and that’s it.
Ultimately, everything in the game moves forward, and we are sure that Reilly is going to do what she can to campaign. The best thing that she can say is that she can be a weapon against Hisam, who cannot play in the next HoH Competition. There are enough people left that a backdoor could be executed, but you would need a lot of people on board for that.
What do you think about the Veto Ceremony results today in Big Brother 25?
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(Photo: CBS.)