Big Brother 25 spoilers: Who won HoH, week 2?

Big Brother 25

Who won HoH within the Big Brother 25 house this week? We certainly understand the stakes for it this time around.

After all, consider this: The game was in complete and total disarray for the most part of this week — or, at least the extent of it we saw before Luke’s ejection caused the feeds to go down. There were multiple players talked about as targets in between Izzy, Hisam, Reilly, Jag, Cory, Cameron, or Blue. There were a lot of different ways things could have gone. Winning HoH is essential, but you also need to know how to handle it. Clearly, this is where Reilly completely fell apart this time around. She couldn’t control her own ego and because of that, everything took a turn for the worse.

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So what happened? Well, we didn’t get the competition for some reason and, unfortunately, it felt like the show tonight really didn’t have that much to cover. Why couldn’t we at least get a teaser in here? The feeds will be back a little later tonight, so we will get some sort of answer to this question then.

At the moment, we do think that Reilly’s ever-declining alliance is going to be in big trouble.

Who is the winner?

Honestly, we will keep it short since it is extremely late as we write this. Hisam has the power — so much for not trying to appear as a threat, right?

Related Get some more coverage on Big Brother, including what CBS said about Luke’s ejection

Who did you want to see win HoH on Big Brother 25 tonight?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! After you do just that, keep coming back for more.

(Photo: CBS.)

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