Big Brother 25: Where are the live feeds?

Big Brother 25

At this point, it is fair to be waking up this morning and wondering about the Big Brother 25 live feeds. What’s going on?

Well, it is about 24 hours ago that the show made the decision to expel Luke over using a racial slur in the house. This represented a change from how CBS and producers handled this in the past and with that, we hope that they stay committed to taking quick action in the future.

SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube for more videos on BIG BROTHER 25! We will have live-feed updates all summer and weekly live streams at our Patreon.

So why haven’t feeds come back at this point? Well, the simplest answer that we can offer here is that the series wants to get to the other side of Thursday’s eviction show, and they also most likely don’t want the moment to overtake the rest of the season. The thought may be that by bringing the feeds back after the show there could be a new Head of Household and with that, there will be a number of other gameplay-related things to discuss.

There is always a chance that they bring feeds back before tonight, but we wouldn’t make any assumptions at this point. The show may also be waiting in order to reveal what is going to happen when it comes to the next eviction. Personally, we tend to think that they are going to cancel it, Kirsten will stay in the house rather than be evicted, and we will see happens from there. We don’t tend to think that there is any such thing as 100% precedent in the game given that things change often, but this is not altogether different from what we saw from them a solid year ago.

Related Be sure to get some more news about Luke’s removal, and CBS’ initial response to what transpired

When do you think we are going to see the Big Brother 25 live feeds return?

Be sure to let us know in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back to get some additional updates that are coming in due time.

(Photo: CBS.)

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