Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Cirie and Jared’s talk (day 7)

Big Brother 25

Sometimes, you really have to enjoy the simple things in Big Brother 25, including a chat between a mother and her son. We understand there are people who complain about Cirie and Jared getting to play the game together but honestly, it is so much fun to watch. They’ve done a great job of keeping their relationship secret and really working all sides of the house.

Also, we do have a much better sense of what the two want moving forward in the game.

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In the end, neither one of them is in immediate danger and with that, they don’t have to win Head of Household. However, who do they want out? It feels like Jag and Blue are especially high on their lists. Jared is a little more keen on jettisoning Reilly soon, but both of them had super-long talks with her where they calmed her down and presumably, they could use her as some sort of tool moving forward … with a catch. Jared is worried about her getting power again since her case of HoH-itis was next level. The last thing she needed to do so early was get that room and some element of control over the game.

The biggest thing that may be saving Reilly right now is simple: There are other threats she is working with and beyond just that, she has other allies like Matt who are pretty physical. However, most of her eight-person alliance has jumped ship to some extent, including people like Cameron and Cory. She never really had Jared.

At the moment, the goal for Cirie and Jared is just making sure the rest of the house has some targets that are not them or anyone too close to them. The closest probably is Hisam, but Jared doesn’t even feel that close to him! In the end, they are set up fairly well for quite some time.

Related Go ahead and see other news on Big Brother 25, including the Luke – twin theories

What do you think about Cirie and Jared’s game so far within Big Brother 25?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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