Futurama season 11 episode 4 spoilers: The world of a litter box

Futurama season 11

After what you see today on Hulu, why not get a better sense of what’s ahead on Futurama season 11 episode 4 next week? There are a few different things we could say entering this installment, but let’s just start off with this: It feels like we’re going to be in for a pretty good time here.

One of the things that this show has always relied on is the sandbox to do just about anything. After all, with the technology that these characters have, why not take advantage? We’ve seen them journey through time, and moving into “Particles Regained” next week, we are also going to see them shrink down a little bit in size.

Want to get a few more details all about what the future holds? Then go ahead and check out the Futurama season 11 episode 4 synopsis below:

After Nibbler falls ill, the crew shrinks down for a dangerous mission into a desert world contained within his litter box.

What is this desert world going to look like? Is this the litter-box version of Tatooine? It feels like there’s a chance that things could get particularly gross over the course of this, but also weird, funny, and perhaps even fascinating. Who knows what shrinking down to this size could showcase or illuminate?

If nothing else, episodes like this show that Futurama is once again trying to make the most of its unique opportunity to be back for another revival. We’re sure that some loyal fans are already on board and yet, we tend to think that there are more and more out there who do not even know that it is back as of yet. Hopefully, that changes over the weeks ahead; we certainly think it is great counter-programming at a time when there is not all that much on, at least within this particular genre.

What do you most want to see at this point when it comes to Futurama season 11 episode 4 on Hulu?

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(Photo: Hulu.)

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