Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Week 1 Veto aftermath
Well, one of the best things about week 1 of the game is that it can be gloriously chaotic, and that is absolutely what is happening here. Head of Household Reilly allowed Kirsten and Felicia to stay on the block, and this afternoon, Hisam became the first Power of Veto winner of the season! That has led to drama but, ironically, it doesn’t seem to actually be changing the plan moving forward.
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Do you know what has caused some problems, though? Think along the lines of Izzy spreading misinformation that Reilly was looking to nominate Cirie had the Veto gone their way. This isn’t the case, as the HoH had zero interest in changing the nominations at all. Instead, Reilly considered Cirie at least on the periphery of her eight-person alliance. She wants her out eventually, but not as of yet. Cirie actually had the upper hand in that she knew about Reilly’s alliance thanks to Jared; now, she’s been thrown completely off.
Cirie has also basically indicated to Felicia at this point that she has to stay on the block and Hisam can’t use the Veto on her. If that happens, she’ll then go up and be sent out. So long as nominations stay the same, Felicia will be fine and Kirsten will go.
Did Reilly throw the Veto?
She claims she was just going slow and being careful, but Jag told her that he and a lot of people were wondering. That has led to at least some paranoia here. Reilly is going to be somewhat of a target for Cirie’s side moving forward, but so is Jag, given that he arguably has the better social game.
All of this, in the end, is why Reilly didn’t need to win this HoH. She and Jag easily could’ve hidden under the radar for a while.
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(Photo: CBS.)