Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Veto preview, expectations (day 4)

Big Brother 25

At the time that we are writing this Big Brother 25 live feed update, the Power of Veto Competition is currently underway. So what can we expect to see?

Well, first and foremost, it is worth noting that Reilly is Head of Household, and she chose to leave Felicia and Kirsten on the block at the Nomination Ceremony. The three are taking part in the Veto today along with Hisam, Blue, and Bowie.

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So what is going to happen when it comes to the competition? This is where things get interesting and the strategy starts to become fascinating to ponder over. Remember for a moment here that thanks to Jared serving as a mole, Cirie is well aware that Reilly has an eight-person alliance that she’s not a part of. Rather, Cirie is somewhat on the periphery. Luckily, she does have an alliance of her own with her son, Izzy, Felicia, Mecole, Bowie, and Hisam, but how much do you want to expose that?

Right now, this side of the house can benefit from having info that the other side doesn’t know that they have. If someone takes Felicia off the block and goes against the HoH’s wishes, they set the stage for so much more chaos. It is one of the reasons why Hisam, despite wanting to win, has to consider if it is the right move to use it. Kirsten is 100% going at this point if nominations stay the same, but everything could change. We’re sure that Blue will try to win in order to show loyalty to Reilly, and we know that Reilly is also trying. What’s the incentive for Bowie?

Ultimately, Luke seems to be a contender for replacement nominee, and honestly he’s one of the most left-out and isolated people in the game. If he goes, Reilly may not get a lot of blood on her hands … but then again, Kirsten is still in the game.

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Who do you want to see win the Power of Veto today in Big Brother 25?

Be sure to let us know in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for more.

(Photo: CBS.)

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