Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Cirie, Jared’s secret exposed?
The live feeds for Big Brother 25 are officially underway — so what exactly are we learning? Well, let’s just say one big secret is out there.
There were a number of revelations that came about overnight on the feeds, but the one that could have the biggest long-term ramifications within the game is that Izzy, apparently, already knows that Jared and Cirie are related. She follows Cirie on Instagram, and it didn’t take her all that long in order to piece this together. Izzy hasn’t said anything yet, but she now has this huge bit of information that she can hold over the two of them.
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Here is, of course, the big question mark: Whether or not we’re going to see things remain quiet moving forward. We know that Cirie is as good of a social player as anyone in the history of reality TV. By virtue of that, she will probably be able to keep things quiet.
For the time being, it is 100% clear that Cirie is really going to be running the game. She already has a plan to have an inner, Brigade-like alliance and then an outer group, as well. Felicia is really interested in protected Jared, and that helps her at the same exact time.
Who is in the most danger?
For now, it has to be Cory, who is coming across like too much of a fan and we’re not sure that anyone is going to want to be working with someone who is clearly that much of a gamer. We just don’t think that he is able to keep this in check, but it is still early. There is time for a lot to change.
Related – Be sure to get some other assorted updates right now from Big Brother 25, including the nominees
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(Photo: CBS.)