Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Is Phalanx Five first alliance?
So what are we talking about here? Well, the group seemingly has the name “Phalanx Five,” and they could be something or nothing. There are so many night one alliances that turn out to be completely useless, so we’re not going to sit here and say that this one has some sort of crazy long-term potential.
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So who is in this group? Well, a lot of the younger people within the game here in Luke, Jared, Kirsten, Reilly, and Matt. The reason it could work is just because they all have something in common on paper — beyond just being young, they are also all fairly athletic. It’s easy to see them gravitating to each other and having conversations.
Of course, here is the big twist here: Jared is of course Cirie’s son and with her in the game, we do tend to think there’s a chance that they will exchange information. (For those wondering, we have seen zero evidence as of yet that people are on to Cirie and Jared being related, and Cirie has just been sitting back and playing rather low-key.)
There is a lot of idle chatter going on in the game in general right now, which makes sense given that there is a lot of getting-to-know-you happening among the players. We’ve seen Reilly juggle, a lot of talk about fitness, and Matt mention how he has more than a decade of speech therapy so he knows how to talk despite being unable to hear.
Is Cory back from the “Nether Region”?
Yes, and that took almost no time at all. He’s chilling in the house, so if there is some sort of punishment or other thing that comes with what happened, we’ll have to wait and see.
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(Photo: CBS.)