Big Brother 25 rumors: Are there secret houseguests?
The one that we’ve got today is a pretty big one, and it is tied to the number of beds that were seemingly in the house tour: 18. What in the world is going on here? We’ve seen before on the show that there are more place-settings at the table than there are number of houseguests, and that has caused some people to go into overdrive when it comes to theories.
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However, the theory this time around is a little bit different for a wide array of reasons, with the biggest one being that it’s a lot harder to put in 18 beds than it is 20 plates on a table. Why just throw in some extra beds here for the fun of it?
Given that this season is the longest one yet with it lasting 100 days, it would make some sense for there to be more contestants who come on board the show than before. We’ve seen seasons with 17 houseguests, so is 18 that different?
If we had a crazy theory…
Well, let’s just say that it’s something like this. What if a couple of days into the game, two new players joined in? What if they were voted on by America? Given the multiverse theme here, we also wouldn’t be surprised if they were from another CBS reality show.
Here’s the craziest theory that we have at the moment: We’ve seen a twin twist before, so what about triplets? What if someone like America (who has been hard to research) actually has a pair of siblings she’s competing with? This is probably not true, but it’s hilarious. Two extra houseguests coming on board post-premiere is what we’re the most curious about.
Related – Be sure to get more news on the Big Brother 25 cast, including if Blue was originally an alternate
Do you think that we are going to see 18 houseguests moving into Big Brother 25?
Be sure to let us know right away in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for more.
(Photo: CBS.)