Men in Kilts season 2 promo: Sam Heughan, Graham McTavish fun

Men in Kilts season 2

The Men in Kilts season 2 premiere is coming on Starz one week from Friday, and it feels like there is one thing we can say with confidence about it: We need this show back more than ever.

What’s the reason for that? Well, there are a few different layers to it. Escapism is always welcome in the TV world, especially when it allows you to see a part of the world few people ever get a chance to visit. Most of the viewers for the Sam Heughan – Graham McTavish show are in America, and New Zealand is basically on the opposite side of the globe. It’s a long trip to get there, and it is certainly an expensive one for many people. This is a chance to live vicariously through these two stars.

Also, we should note that there’s an extremely important aspect of the show’s appeal that gets often forgotten: The presence of real, male friendship on TV. A lot of times, this can get depicted as obnoxious or over-the-top in sitcoms or even some dramas. Yet, there are so many layers to it in life! Through Men in Kilts you get to see two good friends connect with each other on several levels while also poking fun at one another. It’s the sort of friendship that is aspirational, and we do tend to think that a lot of guys out there can relate to what they see with the two of them on-screen.

Want more evidence of this? Then just check out the promo over at the link here. This is where we also remind you that while many of you may know Sam and Graham from Outlander, you don’t need to have seen that show to enjoy Men in Kilts. This is a show that really is for everyone, and we do think there are a lot of fun takeaways fromit beyond just watching these two go on some adventures.

Related Get some more news when it comes to Men in Kilts and what lies ahead

What are you most excited to see moving into Men in Kilts season 2, based largely on the new promo?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do, remember to stick around to get even more updates coming before too long.

(Photo: Starz.)

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