Big Brother 25: Watch the opening, with a ‘time laser’

Big Brother 25

For those who are unaware, the Big Brother 25 premiere is just a matter of days away — isn’t that exciting?

Well, leading up to the big start of the season, the folks at CBS have offered up at least a small look at what is coming up, and it includes a chance to see some past houseguests in action.

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Want to know more? Well, if you head over to the link here, you can see Britney Haynes, Danielle Reyes, and Frankie Grande take part in what is a cold open of sorts for the new season, one where they try to use a “time laser” to try to undo their gameplay mistakes from the past. Let’s just say that things do not work out as planned and instead, they end up unveiling a comic-book theme for the house this year. We kinda wonder what this means for BB Comics since in a way, the entire season is now BB Comics. That’s neither here nor there at the end of the day, though.

What we are personally happiest about with this preview is just getting to see Danielle back after so many years. She’s been around the periphery of the fandom for a while, but until the Entertainment Tonight special, hasn’t appeared as much on-screen. It’s also just a perfect acknowledgment that there was a game before season 10. Britney’s true power is her sense of humor, and there was something really funny about her knocking stuff over.

Is this entire thing cheesy beyond all reason? Sure, but that’s also what Big Brother is the vast majority of the time. The biggest thing that we should really do here is not take anything within the competition so seriously.

Related Go ahead and get some other news about the Big Brother 25 finale date and also the season length

What are you most excited to see moving into Big Brother 25?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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