Big Brother 25: When will live feeds officially begin?
Now that we’ve spelled that out, let’s go ahead and get to the next order of business here — when you are going to be seeing said feeds actually start. Will it be night one? The past few years, that has largely been the case. However, there is always a chance that things could be shaken up here and there. After all, that “expect the unexpected” motto lives for a reason!
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Well, let’s just go ahead and say the following — Paramount+ is advertising already that the feeds are going to begin on Wednesday, August 2, which means that they are going to be there at some point after the premiere. The question of course here is whether it will be before or after the East Coast airing of the show. We’re sure that it won’t start up the very second the first live show ends, mostly because there’s probably a little bit of house orientation that happens further. However, you should get to see them sooner rather than later. The folks over at CBS and the streaming service know that you’re paying for them. With that in mind, they won’t keep you waiting too long.
If you are a long-time viewer of the feeds, then you know already just how important the first night can be both for the game and for entertainment. It’s really like the first day of school for these players, but in this analogy, none of them have been to this school before!
Related – Check out more news on the Big Brother 25 finale date, and also the season length
What are you hoping to see when it comes to the Big Brother 25 live feeds this season?
Be sure to let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back for some other updates in the near future.
(Photo: CBS.)