Big Brother 25 cast reveal: Why the long wait?

Big Brother 25

Coming out of last night’s Big Brother 25 anniversary special, we don’t blame anyone who wants more news and soon. After all, where is the cast reveal?

Well, if this was any point before the global health crisis in 2020, we would have said that the cast would’ve been out by now. However, times are clearly different ever since then, and when the show moved to a live move-in for the premiere. Viewers responded really well to that and because of this, Big Brother no longer feels any pressure to give us the cast early.

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As a matter of fact, don’t be shocked if we don’t get the cast until Monday or Tuesday of next week, as this gives casting and the producers / CBS ample time to make sure that they get the right people on board the season. There are last-minute changes that happen all the time, so this helps to minimize how many of those get made public. The past few years, it also helped the show to ensure that everyone had recorded enough negative tests that they could enter the house safely. For this season, it’s probably more about keeping any last-minute changes under wraps.

Ultimately, if you are planning to do any pre-season drafts or make winner predictions, be prepared to have to do a number of them at the last-minute. Of course, the funny thing about such a late cast reveal is that it makes it almost impossible to get through a lot of the preseason press that is done, unless you have enough time blocked out to tackle all of it.

We have said this before, and we will continue to reiterate it — to us, the most important thing at present is that Big Brother 25 finds a cast that is engaging, competitive, ready to play, and diverse. If they hit those quadrants, we could be in for a good season.

Related What did we learn during the Big Brother 25 anniversary special?

What sort of Big Brother 25 cast are you hoping to see?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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