Hijack season 1 episode 7 (finale) spoilers: Who’s flying the plane?

Hijack season 1

In just a matter of days, you are going to be seeing Hijack season 1 episode 7 — and yes, it is an epic finale like no other.

So what in the world are we going to see over the course of the final chapter? Let’s just say that a lot of it starts with the following: That woman in the cockpit! It feels pretty obvious that she is going to be a serious danger to all involved here, but what is her endgame?

Well, the prevailing theory at this point is that she was Edgard’s emergency person, there to finish the job in the event that things grew especially awry. She waited until an exact moment, took out the pilot, and sprung into action. The problem at this point is that the entire plane is in complete pandemonium at this point with the hijackers and the passengers in the midst of a full-on fight. Some of them may also be too distracted to notice what is happening with the pilot itself.

Over the course of the finale, we obviously think that we are going to be seeing the final phase of the hijackers’ plan, but also a last-ditch effort in order to save the day. Let’s just say that we’re going to have arguably more action within this installment than we have all season, and we mean that from the vantage point of both the plane and the people on the ground at the same exact time.

Do we think that there’s going to be closure? Absolutely, but at the same time, there could be a way to leave the door open for at least something more later on down the road.

Related Be sure to get some more news regarding Hijack, including some other information about the future

What do you most want to see moving into Hijack season 1 episode 7?

How do you think that everything is going to wrap up here? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back for other updates as we move forward.

(Photo: Apple TV+.)

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