Stars on Mars season 1 episode 7: Did Ronda Rousey leave?
In the end, we get where she’s coming from — she has a young family and for her, it’s really hard to be away for a long period of time. It’s something that other people can relate to. This entire show has been somewhat eye-opening in that it’s shown us such a vulnerable side of someone who is best known for being tough and unafraid.
So what did Ronda decide to do here? As the episode progressed, it started to become more clear at least to us that she was going to stick around. After all, she had made some good friends there, with the most delightful and surprising one being Marshawn Lynch. Who would have ever thought that the two of them would grow so close?
In the end, Base Commander Andy Richter decided that he was going to allow Ronda decide whether or not she wanted to be there in the end. He put her in the bottom three, but if she wanted to be there, she would be allowed to stay without much effort.
So what did she decide to do?
Well, in the end, we saw Ronda decide to (rather tearfully) say goodbye. This was a shock to us, given that even for most of the episode, we thought that she was going to win the whole thing! We’re honestly going to miss her as a part of this crazy world…
Related – Be sure to get some more news moving into the next Stars on Mars
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(Photo: Fox.)