Claim to Fame season 2: Is Chris related to Nicolas Cage?

Claim to Fame season 2

Is Chris on Claim to Fame season 2 related in some way to Nicolas Cage? This is one of the ideas that was thrown out there tonight. However, is there any truth to this at all?

Well, let’s just say that there was a conversation out there about this very idea — after all, there were some cage-free eggs that were on the clue wall! We know that this is the sort of thing that could easily inspire chaos, and we do tend to think that there are a lot of guesses out there.

Now that we’ve said this, we should go ahead and say the following: Chris is almost certainly not related to the actor. Instead, we think he is the son of singer Donny Osmond. The hilarious thing that came out of all of this is that Chris actually is more paranoid than ever about his true identity coming out, thanks in part to Monay drawing his clue. “Puppy Love,” after all, is a famous song from Donny.

The funniest thing from the outside looking in here is that Donny and Chris actually look a lot alike, and since we know the answer here, it’s almost crazy that the players don’t right away. Of course, this is so easy to say on the outside looking in, and it may be super-tough within the confines of this competition.

The good news for Chris

He didn’t end up being eliminated at the end of the episode. Jane actually tried to guess him, but she guessed him incorrectly. She thought that he was Elvis Presley, but that was not really the case. Well, basically she is gone from the show. Chris still looked stunned the whole time he was standing up there against Jane in the end.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Claim to Fame right now

What do you think about Claim to Fame season 2 so far, and the idea of Chris being related to Nicolas Cage?

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(Photo: ABC.)

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