Hijack season 1 episode 4 spoilers: The biggest challenge yet
What is one of the biggest ones to us? Well, let’s just say that the show is currently trying to figure out how to tell a story, set almost entirely in one location, and also in real time. This is a recipe that 24 in the past managed to figure out, but not all of that was set on an airplane in the sky. At the end of episode 3, Hijack made it clear that Sam could conceivably die as a result of what is happening in the sky. We don’t think he’s actually going to (maybe that is a spoiler), but they want the danger to be there.
Because of this situation, though, you do have to wonder how many more times the show can put Sam in this particular danger. If they do, you become to believe he’s going to die less and less. Instead, we think that some other cliffhangers have to focus on other characters in jeopardy.
As for how else the producers are going to stretch this show out to last a few more episodes, could a part of it be tied to the hijackers themselves? Of course, it would make for a great twist if there is something going on with them beyond what first meets the eye.
In the end, just remember this — it benefits the show to most to keep you guessing. That’s what so many of us should want from the outside looking in!
Related – Be sure to get some more news on the next Hijack episode and what to expect
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(Photo: Apple TV+.)