Wednesday season 2: Any big reveals in July?


As we get prepared to enter the month of July, can we expect some more news in regards to Wednesday season 2? Make no mistake that we want them! Of course, whether or not we get them is a totally different story.

Now that we’ve said that, whether or not we get anything more is a reasonable subject for debate. Consider for a moment the fact that the writers’ strike is still ongoing, and it does appear as though we’re some time still from actually seeing the next batch of episodes arrive. Filming could start later this year, but that is far from a guarantee.

In June, we were lucky to get at least some teases from the Wednesday world, including a suggestion from Jenna Ortega that we will be meeting a new Addams Family member — she suggested Cousin Itt, and honestly that would be a really fun addition to the world. In general, though, we’d be surprised if anyone is cast this far out from production. The best chance we have of learning something more this month is if Ortega gets nominated for an Emmy and does a lot of interviews. We wouldn’t consider a nod a slam-dunk, but it’s a possibility given the massive success of the show and how beyond the slam dunk dominations there are a couple of potential slots in the Comedy Actress category. Typically, nods like this mean a number of interviews.

So when will season 2 actually premiere? Late 2024 is the best-case scenario we can imagine right now, based mostly on how long it takes Netflix to release some of their more ambitious shows. We’re sure that along the way, the streamer will do their best to promote what lies ahead.

Can Wednesday season 2 actually top what we got in season 1? In terms of viewership that will be hard — but creatively, it does sound like we’re going to see things get even darker.

Related Learn more about Wednesday season 2 and what we could see

Do you think we will learn something more about Wednesday season 2 over the course of this month?

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(Photo: Netflix.)

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