America’s Got Talent: Sharpe Family Singers & ‘How Far I’ll Go’

America's Got Talent season 18

Tonight’s America’s Got Talent episode featured another round of auditions — so why not kick things off with the Sharpe Family Singers?

First and foremost, we should note that this family are not strangers to the spotlight or performing together; they have a massive following on YouTube. This is another reminder that there aren’t a lot of truly undiscovered talents out there; if you are a good singer, why wouldn’t you put yourselves out there? There is never a guarantee that you are going to make it on this show.

As for what the group performed tonight, they opted to sing a Disney classic in “How Far I’ll Go” from Moana. We don’t have anything negative to say here. We know that family bands can be really hokey sometimes, but there is no denying that they all have really good voices and their harmonies are pretty top-notch. There isn’t any obvious weak link who needs to be kicked out of the family, and we do think that they’re going to be pretty versatile.

Our advice for them? Keep coming on the show and performing super-familiar songs for family audiences. That is going to be their demographic, and luckily for them, we do think that there are a ton of these people who watch this show week in and week out. We know that their YouTube audience will lift them if they make it into the live shows, but we’ve learned over the years that this doesn’t guarantee a win. They will need to recruit new fans along the way.

For the time being, we’d just consider this performance to be a great start; they have set a fantastic foundation and now, we will see what lies ahead for them on the other side.

Related Check out some other information on America’s Got Talent now, including some other auditions

What did you think about the Sharpe Family Singers on America’s Got Talent tonight?

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(Photo: NBC.)

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