Claim to Fame season 2: Is Hugo related to Buzz Aldrin?

Claim to Fame season 2

On tonight’s Claim to Fame season 2 premiere, Hugo found himself in an extremely valuable position as the Guesser. With that, he eliminated Carly by guessing that she was related to Tom Hanks. She then had one of the greatest elimination meltdowns that we have arguably ever seen.

At the moment, though, it feels prudent to circle back to who Hugo’s celebrity connection is. Are we looking at a relative of astronaut Buzz Aldrin? That was thrown out there during the episode, but we are here with a pretty clear answer: No. We don’t think that the two are tied to one another at all. We understand why people would think that, though, given that Aldrin is an extremely famous person who has helped to change the world.

So who do we think that Hugo is instead? Well, let’s just say that there are a number of rumors floating around out there. (Possible spoilers ahead.) There is a lot of internet discussion that he could be related to former President Jimmy Carter, which would make some sense given all the work that he has done for the world even after leaving the White House.

Ultimately, we can’t even imagine what it must have been like for Hugo to go back home after the events of this episode, especially when you consider the absolutely insane reaction that his decision generated from Carly. This wasn’t even close to a huge deal! She may be upset about a lack of camera time, but we do tend to think that she got her money’s worth and then some over the course of a single episode. We don’t quite know how she could have asked for anything more when it comes to a spotlight.

As for Hugo, he may be a contender on the show for a rather long time even still.

Related Learn more about who Travis really is on Claim to Fame

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(Photo: ABC.)

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