The Idol season 1 episode 4: What is Tedros’ real name?

The Idol season 1

Tonight The Idol season 1 episode 4 brought a lot of information to the table, and that includes one surprise: Tedros’ real name. So, what is it? Does it even really matter? Well, if nothing else, we do think it’s an interesting bit of information to know.

Early on, it was uncovered that The Weeknd’s character is actually Mauricio Costello Jackson, a man who does have a checkered history with the law. It was already determined before this by Jocelyn’s team that this was a pretty bad influence on her life, but now they’ve got even more confirmation of that.

The problem, of course, is rather simple: He’s not an easy person to pull away from her at this point. How do you counteract what he’s already done? The only thing you can do is try to understand every single thing about a person; in doing so, you may be able to recognize more their weakness. That’s not easy, but it’s a stepping stone to getting what you want: Actual results.

In the end, we do tend to think that Destiny is going to keep working to figure out a way to take this guy down — learning his real name is only one piece of the overall puzzle.

Side note

Is Chloe stealthily one of the show’s most interesting characters? She’s actually talented, but you don’t really get to see that much of it amidst the surrounding chaos of the show. Also, it’s totally weird how her “responsibility” at the show seems to just be sitting around and playing the piano. Destiny did give her some decent advice.

One other thing we wonder about: When is everyone going to realize that Jocelyn has her own fair share of demons? That scene with Xander was absolutely brutal to watch when it happened…

Related Check out more news on The Idol, including other info on season 1 episode 5

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(Photo: HBO.)

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