America’s Got Talent: John Wines, rock guitarist, has epic audition

America's Got Talent season 18

As you prepare to see tomorrow night’s America’s Got Talent episode over on NBC, why not take a moment to introduce John Wines?

What does this guy bring to the table? Well, let’s just say that this guy is exactly the sort of act we love on this show. After all, we are talking here all about someone who comes out looking a little bit like Henry Winkler circa the first season of Barry, and he actually ends up being one of the most stunning rock guitarists that we’ve seen in some time.

At first when he got into “We Will Rock You,” we were mildly impressed; then, he took things up a notch. If you are going to be on this show as a solo guitarist, you need to do something that shows that you are better than a good 99% of other rock musicians out there. That is a tall order for sure, but it is also something that is needed if you want to succeed.

After watching this audition, it is hard to imagine a situation where Wines does not advance to the next round of the competition. At this point, the bigger challenge is going to be whether or not he is able to make it to the finale. A lot of the joy of this audition comes down to the element of surprise and because of that alone, there is going to be more pressure around the next performance. You have to find a way to lift everything to new heights, and we know that sometimes, that is not always the easiest thing in the world to do.

If you haven’t had a chance to watch this audition in full as of yet, you can do so just by heading over to the link here now.

Related Be sure to get some more news on America’s Got Talent right now, including other updates on tonight’s big audition

What do you think about John Wines’ audition on America’s Got Talent ahead of tonight?

Be sure to share right away in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back for some other updates as we moving forward.

(Photo: NBC.)

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