Silo season 1 episode 8 spoilers: Is Juliette going to die?

Silo season 1

As we get ourselves prepared to see Silo season 1 episode 8 on Apple TV+ next week, one thing feels really clear. Moving forward, we’re going to see some chaos, and Juliette will be at the center of it all.

Just think about things like this at the moment. Rebecca Ferguson’s character has realized yet again that nothing is as it seems within the world of this show, but there is a significant cost to the knowledge that she’s gained. To be specific, she is going to potentially now find herself in a position where as this story progresses, everyone could be hunting her down. She made a REALLY bold move in covering that mirror, and making it all the more clear that she knows that she is being watched.

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Because of what happened, is there a chance that we could see this character die? In theory it’s possible, but after all the other characters that they have taken away from us, we’re really hoping that this is not something that they are planning to do at this given moment in time.

Another thing to consider for the time being

Is it possible that someone close to Juliette could be taken out? This may not be something she really considered but honestly, she should have. We are talking here about one of the most wanted women in the Silo and we don’t think it’s going to come as much of a shock that a lot of people in power will target those she loves. This is going to be a really tough position that she finds herself in and at this point, how could anyone honestly be that confident that she’ll emerge from this in one piece, whether it be physically or mentally?

Related Be sure to get some more news now on Silo season 1 episode 7, including what else could be coming

Is there anything that you most want to see as we move into Silo season 1 episode 7?

Be sure to let us know in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back for some other updates that 100% you do not want to miss as we move forward.

(Photo: Apple TV+.)

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