Magnum PI season 5 episode 11: Next step for Magnum, Higgins?

Magnum PI season 5

Even though an exact return date for Magnum PI season 5 episode 11 may still be a bit of a mystery, there are still some things worth discussing. Take, for example, the directions that we are going to see several key characters take here as we press onward.

So, first and foremost, why not look at what the specific path is going to be for Magnum and Higgins as we move into the next chapter of the story? We tend to think that come episode 11, the two are going to be in a place where they start to think a little more about the long-term. Everyone knows that they’re together now, and clearly Higgins is already dreaming about an engagement on some level … even if it turned into a nightmare. This is something that may or may not happen through the rest of this season, buy we do think they will continue to have conversations about the long-term future.

Take, for example, this: Do they continue to live at the Robin Masters estate forever? Do they want to continue to run the PI business for decades? Are they happy being in Hawaii for good? Those questions are important and beyond just that, we would like to see more family and/or parts of their past enter the picture.

In a way, you can look at the Miggy relationship as a new character that entered the story in season 5. In the first half, you got to know it a little bit better. Meanwhile, into the second half, we should learn a little bit more about what makes said relationship work … and also, what the stumbling blocks are. After all, no pairing is perfect!

Fingers crossed, we will have more news to share regarding the fifth season over the next few months — the plan right now is for it to air in early 2024.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Magnum PI right now, including some other details all about what’s next

What do you most want to see when it comes to Magnum PI season 5 episode 11?

How do you think that things are going to move forward for Magnum and Higgins? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, stay tuned here — we have so many other updates ahead that you do not want to miss.

(Photo: NBC.)

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