Big Brother 25: Will we get more public votes?

Big Brother 24

We know that we are going to be stuck waiting a long time still to see Big Brother 25 premiere on CBS, and that does leave open room for a lot of questions. What’s one of the big ones? Well, let’s just discuss public votes here for a moment, shall we? Are we going to get more of them?

As some of you may or may not be aware, the upcoming season is meant to be a little bit nostalgic for some of the past two-plus decades of the game, and we do tend to think that a few twists from the past could be incorporated as a result of that. Getting America to vote on some things could be a fun part of that … albeit with a twist or two.

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Let’s just make one thing clear here right now: By no means are we rooting for a new coup d’etat or something that is going to make the game incredibly unfair. That’s just not a fun thing for any serious fan of the game! We prefer not to vote on major advantages at all! However, we do think integrating votes for things like costumes, competitions, or even who gets to take part in a potential Pandora’s Box would be fun. In general, these sort of things could make the players paranoid without making the game completely slanted.

Also, should Big Brother 25 really cater to the feeders and dedicated fans more than anyone else? It would be a nice way for the fandom to get the reminder that this particular crew of people still remains the bread and butter of the show, especially after Big Brother Canada took a lot of that away on this past season. We’re still recovering from that, but we are happy to know that the US version still has live feeds front and center.

Related Get more of what we know about Big Brother 25 right away

Do you think that we are going to see more public votes within Big Brother 25?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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