FROM season 2 episode 6: More on the end of Smiley

FROM season 2

Last night on FROM season 2 episode 6, we ended up seeing the end of a character — or, more specifically, one we didn’t know had an end.

One of the great things about this particular show is how, in some ways, it almost always seems to evolve. We saw that play out further last night, as we bore witness to the apparent death of Smiley, one of the night monsters who has been featured here and there over time. Boyd found an innovative way to transfer his worm-infection over to him; he was not even necessarily trying to take one of the creatures out so much as making sure he could transfer his blood over to Ellis.

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So what does the end of Smiley mean? That still remains to be seen, especially since in a world like this, you can’t say they are fully gone, even in the state that they were in at the end of episode 6! There is still so much that is still unknown, and in an interview with the YouTube Channel BeatsBoxingMayhem, it seems as though Jamie McGuire (who played Smiley) is still in the dark about what is coming up next. Also, you get some insight into what it is like to play such a creepy character in the first place.

As we move into episode 7…

Is there going to be a way to use what happened to Smiley as a blueprint? This is going to be the big goal for Boyd as you see him and the other residents of the community start to plan out what they want to do from here. Is there a way that you can apply what worked here to the rest of the night creatures?

Related Check out a few more details now about FROM season 2 episode 7, including some other expectations

What did you think about all of the events we had to see over the course of FROM season 2 episode 6?

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(Photo: MGM+.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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