The Flash series finale trailer: Reverse-Flash, Cobalt Blue, & more

The Flash season 9

We are now just a few days away from seeing The Flash series finale on the air, and we don’t quite think that we are ready for it! In all honestly, we’re not sure that we ever will be. This is a show that has been a part of our lives for almost a decade, and it’s so hard to imagine a TV season without it.

If nothing else, though, we are at least glad that the final episode is going to give us such a great encapsulation of everything that we’ve seen over the years — and that includes so many notable villains.

If you head over to the link here, you can see the full trailer featuring Barry Allen squaring off against a number of the most notable foes from his past. You can see in here Savitar, Reverse-Flash, and of course the new villain in Cobalt Blue a.k.a. Eddie Thawne. He wants to completely change history and do it in his favor — the way that his story has been put together makes a whole lot of sense, especially when you think about how season 1 ended. The writers put that together in a really smart way.

Of course, in the midst of all of this chaos, you’re going to see Iris giving birth — Nora is around from the future and yet, she may be born in the present. All of this is crazy, but what else could you really expect here? She’s not the only hero returning for the finale; John Wesley Shipp is also present, as he will be playing Jay Garrick. Isn’t it nice to get one more appearance from the iconic OG TV flash? We tend to think so.

While we’re sure that there is going to be a lot of drama over the course of this hour, we do still think that the writers are going to end The Flash on a high note. While Arrow was a little more dark and dramatic, this was always meant to be a hopeful show. We have a hard time thinking that the story is going to change that much as we near the end of the road now.

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Flash now, including more on the finale

What do you most want to see moving into The Flash series finale on The CW?

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(Photo: The CW.)

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