NCIS: Hawaii season 2 finale spoilers: Cliffhanger, season 3 talk

NCIS: Hawaii season 2

As we prepare ourselves for the finale of NCIS: Hawaii season 2 on CBS next week, let’s ask the next big question now. How is all of this going to translate moving into season 3? Is there going to be a big cliffhanger?

So far on the show, we have seen quite a few major twists that could alter things moving forward. What are we talking about here? Think in terms of a wide array of things. For starters, we’ve seen already that Tennant is so desperate for answers that she’ll restrain someone like Whistler. Meanwhile, we’ve already seen the apparent death of Charlie 1 — is that the only person who is going to die? We’ve also had a chance to see a pretty dramatic series of events back with John Swift in the Office of Special Projects, and there is a chance he will be around for some time still.

While nobody can give away too many details right now about the end of the show, we are happy to share more details! With that, just take a look now at what Noah Mills had to say about the finale to Entertainment Tonight:

“That’s a really interesting question [how things will carry over moving forward] and I think one that is still in process and it will be interesting to see how the writers and producers carry that into the beginning of season 3 because they definitely will … Her past and some of her emotional decisions do put other people in jeopardy and do pull us out of our job description. Tennant is an emotional character and is charged especially in this two-part because it’s her past and Maggie Shaw’s involved. It’ll be interesting to see, legally, what comes down on her from the higher-ups of the NCIS.”

Hey, the goal is to make every season feel like its own thing, right? You may feel that course its way through the finale and even far into the new season, which hopefully will start in the fall. (A lot of that, for now, is dependent on the writers’ strike.)

Related Get some other news right now all about the NCIS: Hawaii finale and what to expect

What do you think we are going to see across the NCIS: Hawaii season 2 finale?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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