Yellowjackets season 2 episode 7: After the reunion…

Yellowjackets season 2

As we get ourselves prepared for Yellowjackets season 2 episode 7, there is so much to wonder in terms of the present.

For the first time this entire series, most of the primary characters from the wilderness are together in Van, Taissa, Shauna, Lottie, Misty, and Natalie. It’s possible that some other people are still alive and out there in the present, but we haven’t seen them. So with these characters now together, what does this mean? How will this better shape the future? Well, these are some of the big questions we have to wonder right now.

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The biggest thing worth noting is that through all of the evidence that we’ve seen so far, there is some sort of purpose or destiny that is bringing everyone together. Lottie’s visions are back, and Taissa is sleepwalking again. On some level, it is fair to say that these things are all linked, but to what?

The easiest theory to conjure up is also probably the darkest, as a lot of this may be hinting to some sort of terrible sacrifice that is being required by the wilderness — or, whatever they think the wilderness is. You can make this argument that there is some sort of massive supernatural entity out to get these women.

However, another suggestion is just that a lot of this is tied to the reawakening of certain traumas that live within all of these characters — the end result, by and large, of what they have gone through over time. In starting to be around each other once more, these traumas and triggers have been reawakened. The toothpaste is out of the tube, and it may be hard for that to change.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Yellowjackets, including a few other updates on what’s coming

Is there anything that you most want to see moving into Yellowjackets season 2 episode 7?

Go ahead and let us know right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are some more updates down the road that we don’t want you missing.

(Photo: Showtime.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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