Virgin River season 5 premiere: Another big twist ahead?

Virgin River season 4

We don’t think it would turn out to be some world-altering surprise if the Virgin River season 5 premiere had some huge surprise at the very end of it. Why wouldn’t we expect something like that at this point?

Well, entering the season, you can argue that there is a chance for more stability than we’ve had in a rather long time for some of these characters. Mel and Jack are together, they are expecting a baby, and Charmaine has admitted to a lie. Sure, they have struggles ahead, but the same goes for Preacher and a handful of other characters.

With all of this being said, can you argue that things are almost too stable now within the Virgin River world? Sure, and that is where you can make a pretty big argue that there could be some sort of huge twist coming within the first couple of episodes. As a matter of fact, we’re expecting it. This could serve as a roadblock to Mel and Jack’s happiness, or a new character who could end up altering the entire makeup of the community. Such a twist wouldn’t negate a happy ending, but it would allow for there to be so many other interesting stories over the weeks and months ahead.

In the end, the most important thing to remember here is that Virgin River has a long leash in terms of the stories that it can tell. We think that a season 6 renewal is inevitable, and we imagine that the writers put together most of season 5 from a fairly confident place. We hope that allows them to take some risks and send some characters in new directions.

Of course, these risks are probably still within the established framework of the show. For example, we have a hard time thinking that we’re suddenly going to see some sort of enormous time jump in the middle of the story.

Related Check out some more news when it comes to Virgin River, including some other hints about a premiere date

What sort of big twist are you expecting pretty early on into Virgin River season 5?

Be sure to let us know right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back for other updates down the road.

(Photo: Netflix.)

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