‘Big Brother Canada’ live feed spoilers: The new Head of Household revealed
At the end of Thursday night’s “Big Brother Canada” episode, we saw the beginning of a Head of Houeshold Competition that caused people to have to answer true-or-false questions above a dunk tank. When the episode ended, Gary was in the lead … but we don’t know who was declared the winner. This was an an unusual move, and the only reason we can imagine that producers did this was to try and minimize on some of the spoilers that would have hit the internet from the taping beforehand.
Before we get to the HoH winner, some spring cleaning items. First of all, the live feeds are going down for good on Sunday, which means we tragically only have a few more days to indulge in spoilers. However, we are going to have more coverage after that. We’re also going to be at the finale next week, so be sure to hang around here for more coverage, interviews, and more happenings from the studio/Big Brother house.
Now, let’s get to big reveal. It was pretty clear based on visual evidence that Talla did not win, mostly because she looked absolutely miserable when the feeds came back up. She then confirmed she did not win, and that just left us Gary and Jillian. Talla then said something along the lines of “I wonder what she’s going to do,” which made it pretty clear that Jillian is seemingly in power yet again. Can we all say “ugh” enough now? Really, the only thing that matters at this point is who wins the Power of Veto. If either Talla or Gary win the Veto, they can guarantee that Emmett ends up leaving the game.
Nonetheless, Jillian winning again makes for an extremely boring week. What do you think about Jillian winning yet again and do you think Gary and Talla can set it up that she ends up sending her shomance Emmett to the jury house? If you want to check out our full review of Thursday night’s “Big Brother Canada” episode, you can do so over at the link here.
Photo: Slice
April 26, 2013 @ 1:12 pm
Not much sense watching much more as Jillian and her stupid laugh are sure to make it to the end with milkman beside her all we can hope for is milkman to win and walk away with the money and leaving her behind and using her words from the show ” so long sucker”
So disappointing for the first show to end so poorly.
April 26, 2013 @ 4:24 am
Yes, this Jillian/ Emmett thing is totally snoresville….let the people of Canada decide the winner, maybe boost the ratings….but I like Gary back, he mixes it up
April 26, 2013 @ 3:47 am
This blows!
I didn’t want Andrew to leave.
Gary being back is a pisser.
And I can’t watch the other 3 anymore.
I have lost all interest in this show now.
And what’s with only showing it on Slice during a free preview period, and then cutting it off!? I can’t watch it on tv anymore!? Brutal!
Unfortuantely, this has become very frustrating.
And disappointing.
Big Brother Canada, you need to go back to the drawing board, if there’s a Season 2.
No wonder why your ratings have dropped!
And you thought by bringing Gary back would help!? Lol
Nice try!