Station 19 season 6 episode 14: Did Travis drop out of the race?
For most of the season, we’ve been watching Montgomery build to this point, and of course, that led to a lot of questions as to how involved he was going to be in the long-term future of the show and the firehouse. However, he admitted at some point tonight that he had dropped out of the race, and that being a firefighter and saving lives was the #1 thing that he really wanted to do. Did he get into the race just for the sake of stopping Dixon? That’s one way to think about this.
Another, of course, is the simple fact that Travis is actually not that qualified as a politician and he’s aware of it — with that in mind, he finds it better to pass the baton over to someone who is a little more ready to take on the role.
Do we think that we could see Travis get back into politics still at some point down the road? Absolutely, especially since firefighters do tend to retire at an earlier age than some professions. It’s something he could always get back to.
Of course, there was plenty of drama that took place elsewhere. Take, Travis talking about what happened to Eli with Andy. Or, seeing Andy learn from Maya the truth about the photos — the sort of thing that could easily be used as a blackmail. Yet, Maya didn’t want to get her job back as Captain that way.
What is Andy going to do from here?
Well, let’s just say that all of a sudden, she may have some pretty heated conversations with Sullivan, who wasn’t exactly being truthful when it comes to his personal life as of late. Things are going to get messy … very messy.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on the next Station 19 episode
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(Photo: ABC.)