‘Big Brother Canada’ live feed spoilers: Weird fights and the blame game
There really has not been too much activity in the “Big Brother Canada” house, at least unless you have a fascination with seeing Emmett in makeup. The eviction of Andrew is pretty much set in stone at this point, and thanks to what some of the other houseguests are doing, they have managed to keep it a secret from him. Is it possible that they will admit the truth to him prior to the taping Thursday? Sure, but we don’t know if anyone is really that interested in opening up that can of worms.
Instead, it was business as usual as Andrew floated the idea of getting rid of Emmett to Jillian this afternoon, mostly due to him being such an enormous threat in the game. She wasn’t buying it, and so Andrew quickly backtracked and started talking about Gary again. Andrew also seems to be hilariously blaming Dan Gheesling if he goes home Thursday, saying that the season 10 champ got in Emmett’s head and convinced him to make a big move.
Outside of the Andrew situation, the other primary highlight tonight was a post-booze argument about engagement rings. In it, Emmett had the typically sort of macho guy rant, complaining that women are obsessed with how much engagement rings cost, when they are missing the real point in the meaning behind them. There was actually some tension and heated voices here (especially from Emmett), and the one thing we learned here above all was that he doesn’t have any plans get married in the near future. Let’s hope Jillian knew this before this conversation, since that would otherwise be a terrible way to find out.
If you want to see some more news about the weirdest “fashion show” in the world, be sure to head on over to the link here.
Photo: Slice
April 23, 2013 @ 11:46 pm
Blaming Dan is nuts. Emmett isn’t stupid. He had no intention of taking Andrew to final 3 to begin with! Andrew, for a guy who keeps on saying (before you were on the block) “It’s just a game!” over and over again, well – take your own advice! He bashed Peter for compaigning, fighting hard to stay, trying to make deals, yet now his ass in on the hot seat and he is doing the same thing even MORE SO than Peter! Pot meet Kettle..