Quantum Leap season 1 finale: Will Sam Beckett appear?

Quantum Leap season 1

Now that we are a matter of hours away from the Quantum Leap season 1 finale, let’s go ahead and ask the question: What are the chances we see Sam Beckett at some point over the course of the hour?

Obviously, it goes without saying that this would be one of the coolest cliffhangers humanly possible, mostly because his whereabouts remain such a mystery. We know the original and the revival are set in the same universe, and there would be so much wonderful nostalgia baked into these scenes.

Now that we’ve briefly geeked-out about the possibility, this is where we have to note that the odds are slim. After all, remember back to before the show when Scott Bakula confirmed that he has no involvement in the project. He was approached about the opportunity of coming on back then, and eventually he declined. Sam is clearly a role that is near and dear to him, but things sometimes are better off left in the past. This seemed to be a part of his perspective then (among many other potential reasons), so could that change?

We still are operating from the vantage point of “anything is possible,” and getting the chance to see Bakula turn up would be a great way to tease season 2. We also would love to think that he’s watched some of the season and seen that the writers here are really trying to honor the original, both in terms of its premise and then also the social commentary that we’ve gotten from some episodes.

If not the finale, there still could be a chance to see Sam Beckett down the road. We’re not advocating for Scott to be pestered about it until the end of time, but we’ll always root for the idea.

Related Will there be a cliffhanger at the end of the Quantum Leap finale tonight?

Do you think we should see a Sam Beckett appearance in the Quantum Leap season 1 finale?

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