Quantum Leap season 1 episode 18 (finale): Big cliffhanger ahead

Quantum Leap season 1

Tomorrow night on NBC, we’re going to have a chance to see Quantum Leap season 1 episode 18 — are you ready? This is the huge finale, and it goes without saying that there are going to be some epic twists around every corner.

To be specific for a moment, though, why not discuss a possible cliffhanger? Given that this show got an early season 2 renewal, there is potential here for the team to deliver something that will leave everyone gasping and/or eager to see what’s coming up around the bend.

So just how crazy are things going to be? Let’s turn this over for a moment to cast member Ernie Hudson, who had the following to pass along to Entertainment Tonight:

“This cliffhanger is huge [on a] scale of one to 10 … In terms of time travel, it is definitely a 10 because we built everything to finally get to a place of understanding [and] we fall off that cliff and there’s no understanding. We don’t know what’s going to happen and how it’s going to resolve itself. Just have trust that it will in time.”

Given that the cast is already filming season 2, at least we know that there will be some sort of resolution in the early going! As for what that could look like, we would love something more to tie things back to the original. Or, at least something that gives Ben and Addison a moment of hope. There is potential for the writers to do a TON of really fun and creative things, and we really hope there’s a great chance to see some surprises sprinkled in here at some point.

As for when we expect a season 2…

For now, we’re thinking fall … but it would certainly be nice to get it before then.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Quantum Leap, including some other insight on the finale

What are you the most eager to check out now when it comes to the Quantum Leap season 1 finale?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are more updates coming that you do not want to miss. (Photo: NBC.)

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