Yellowjackets season 2: Is Javi really dead?
Is Javi dead? Well, that’s not exactly confirmed now, is it?
At the moment, it is pretty clear that the character’s whereabouts are one of the more intriguing mysteries out there. Theoretically, there is a chance that this guy is still out there! Lottie keeps saying that he is and while we don’t think that she is actually clairvoyant by any means, she does have a real knack for being able for being able to read energies and understand the universe.
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At this point, though, it’s clear that Natalie was desperate to do whatever she could to convince Travis that he was actually gone, to the point where she was willing to create a convincing-enough image for him using some of her own blood. It was a lie, but also one that she was doing out off some element of care.
The mystery around Javi could be one that continues for most of the season or even longer. Given the weather conditions out there in the wilderness right now, it feels impossible that he could survive outside. We tend to think that the more likely scenario, at least for now, is that someone else may have him. We’ve gotten teases already that there could be some other people out there, and that’s another thing to consider at present.
For now, let’s just keep wondering … and also wonder if Lottie is going to keep trying to influence what is going on here in her own bizarre way. We don’t exactly think she’s going to slow down with her proclamations anytime soon.
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What do you think is going on when it comes to Javi on Yellowjackets season 2?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.