Virgin River season 5: Any Mel – Jack wedding hopes?
We don’t think it is any surprise to anyone out there that these two are the central couple at the heart of the show, and we also think that the creative team is going to give them a lot of opportunities to shine moving forward. After all, they are engaged! Doesn’t that mean a wedding is on the horizon?
Well, from where we stand right now, we do think that such a ceremony is likely … but here is also where we remind you that the show moves notoriously slow. Think about how long Charmaine has been pregnant! Why are we going to think that all of a sudden, it’s going to start moving at a rapid pace?
While we do think it’s possible that there could be some sort of huge surprise for Martin Henderson and Alexandra Breckenridge’s characters, let’s just say that we’re not anticipating that at the moment. Logic just goes against it, and that’s without even mentioning the quote that showrunner Patrick Sean Smith gave to TVLine some time ago:
Mel and Jack are such an epic couple that you really want to savor things as much as you can. We don’t want things to ever feel like they’re stalled, but we also want to enjoy [their engagement] while we can. So we’re moving at that pace with all of the things they have ahead of them, anticipating [a wedding] down the road.
We know that technically, there is no guarantee that a season 6 is going to come, and you can argue that the writers shouldn’t want to wait for that very reason. However, we think that another season is a foregone conclusion and with that in mind, why stall on this sort of thing? We all know, after all, that the show is really popular at Netflix, and waiting for at least one more season to give us a wedding would be an excellent way to keep people watching.
Related – Read more on why an early Virgin River season 6 renewal is possible
When do you think we’re actually going to see a Mel – Jack wedding on Virgin River?
Let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to also come back here for some other updates. (Photo: Netflix.)