‘Once Upon a Time’ season 2 spoilers: First script tease on ‘Lacey’

LaceyAre you ready for “Once Upon a Time” season 2 to return to the air? We hope so, since the wait is just about over. On Sunday night, the ABC series is going to return with an hour entitled “Lacey” that is all about a completely different side to a character that we have come to know for a while: Belle.

As a way to promote the hour, ABC is once again offering up some script teases in return for fans retweeting their posts to build up excitement about the show. We don’t know if it’s an effective promotional strategy or not, but it’s hard to argue the notion of getting to read some more scoop from all of the episodes a little bit early.

Based on the photo above, it’s clear that Emilie de Ravin’s character is going to be showing off a much more different (and possibly evil) side than we have seen from Belle with this alter ego of Lacey, but we have to ask the question: how in the world is the bartender so confused? This is obviously not like the bartender from “Cheers,” since he would clearly have figured out everyone’s name by now. (Insert rim shot sound effect.) Granted, we can’t fathom that Belle was really the sort of person to frequent drinking establishments.

The big challenge for Mr. Gold this week is going to be very simple  trying to find a way to bring the old Belle back, and doing it without hurting her in the process. It’s quite a task, but this show has clearly reminded us time and time again that anything is possible.

What do you think about this script tease? If you want to read some more “Once Upon a Time” season 2 scoop pertaining to Emma Swan, be sure to check out the story over at the link here.

Photo: ABC

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