Big Brother Canada 11 spoilers: Who won the first HoH?

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Who is the first Head of Household on Big Brother Canada 11? We know that tonight’s new episode was meant to give you the news. Of course, beyond that there was another big twist via Dead Last — if you performed the worst in the competition, you would go immediately on the block for eviction. Sure, you’d get a chance to play for the Veto, but it still stinks.

In the premiere, John Michael and Santina were revealed at the first two winners who had a chance to move on to the next part. In doing this, it immediately put a target on their backs. It’s why you never want to do TOO much to show you’re a threat this early in the game! John Michael in particular may have shown off a little too much of his superfan side.

Renee and Shanaya, meanwhile, came in last — one of them would end up going on the block thanks to a competition. They were both terrified, much as you would have expected.

What was fascinating here was that at the end of the episode, John Michael and Santina squared off to be HoH at the same time Renee and Shanaya did battle. The stakes were high across the board, even if John Michael and Santina suggested to each other that they would be safe no matter what.

The HoH winner is…

Santina! She dedicated it, quite hilariously, to Kevin. John Michael wanted to target some of the guys, so what is she going to do at the end of the day?

On the flip side, Shanaya was able to win her own showdown, which means that Renee is the first person who is up for eviction. She does have a chance of sticking around … and in a way, her losing may suggest that she’s not that big of a threat.

Related Have you seen our interview with Arisa Cox about this Big Brother Canada 11 season?

What do you think about the first Big Brother Canada 11 Head of Household?

Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments, and also come back for all sorts of other updates down the road. (Photo: Global.)

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