‘Dexter’ season 8 spoilers: Analyzing the new Jennifer Carpenter quote

DexterIt’s inevitable that you end up talking quite a bit about Dexter Morgan anytime you do a story on “Dexter” season 8. After all, he’s not only the main character, but the entire story is told through his lens and by his narration, and everyone else on the show functions in relation to him.

However, it has become increasingly clear as of late that Jennifer Carpenter’s Deb is just as important to the picture. She now has the power to turn her brother in at any given moment with the knowledge of who he really is, but the problem she faces now is that she has plenty of blood on her hands. Not only did she help him dispose of Travis Marshall’s remains, but she pulled the trigger on Maria LaGuerta in the season finale. Basically, she took the life of someone to protect a man who has always been a little more than a brother to her.

So how does Carpenter potentially see this character, and also her journey moving forward from this point? The actress (who really is Emmy-worthy at this point) shared an interesting quote on her Twitter account recently, and she is certainly looking for viewer feedback on the subject.

So is she right about this being Deb’s possible philosophy from here on out? We’ll unfortunately have no way of knowing until the episode airs, but we don’t know if there is anything else that the character can do moving forward other than to just try not to dwell on the past. Otherwise, the darkness could very well consume her.

Do you think that Carpenter is right, and the quote that she shared really is a great way to look at the person that Deb has become on the show? Be sure to share your thoughts below! In addition to that, you can head on over to the link here in order

Photo: Showtime

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