‘Big Brother Canada’ live feed spoilers: Nomination preparation / a waiting game

Big Brother CanadaWe’ll start this “Big Brother Canada” live feed story with the bad news: as per the show’s official Twitter page, the feeds are going to be down for the better part of the day. Is this annoying? Sure, but we do at least appreciate them letting us know in advance, rather than the communication between CBS and SuperPass in the past being as such that we sat around for hours wondering what was going to happen.

Luckily, we do at least know for sure what the nominations will be, at least so long as Jillian is not lying to everyone with some sort of uber-evil diabolical plan to put Emmett on the block (in which case she may need someone to come in and check her sanity). Ultimately, she told Peter this morning that he would be going up against Alec, but that he is not the target for eviction. If one of them ends up winning the Power of Veto, Topaz will serve as the replacement nominee, which is a little shady in that Jillian made a deal with her in the last Head of Household Competition (then again, her alliance makes her a threat).

So long as Alec stays on the block, it’s pretty fair to say that he will be the one leaving the house on Thursday night. If that is not the case, though, you can probably expect Peter to leave. The only real interesting showdown would be Peter vs. Topaz. Alec would have to choose between the two, and it’s possible that the former may be able to make a few deals to stay given that an ally of Alec would be leaving either way.

Hopefully by the time the feeds return, we’ll have a little bit of a better idea just who ended up winning the Veto, and whose game now lives on for a little while longer.

Want to read some more “Big Brother Canada” live feed news? If so, just be sure to check out the story over at the link here.

Photo: Slice

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