History renews ‘Vikings’ for 10-episode season 2
Just in case you were worried about “Vikings” becoming history (insert random rim shot here), the show’s network has decided to keep their first-ever scripted series around for another go.
We’re hearing right now that the decision has been made by History to order a 10-episode second season of “Vikings,” which will air at some point next year. When it comes to its live ratings, the show drew a solid 4.7 million viewers along with a 1.3 rating in the 18-49 demographic. In addition to that, the show is also getting some good DVR playback despite being on a night in Sundays that is completely flooded with fantastic shows on cable.
Of course, moving forward there is still one important question to ask when it comes to the success of these particular Vikings: how well will they fare without one of the most-famous books in the world serving a s a lead-in? While it may or may not be fair to pinpoint “The Bible” as the primary reason for the show’s success, it was definitely a great platform with over 12 million people watching the finale in order to promote this show. Without this same miniseries staying put next year, it will be interesting to see if a steady percentage of the same viewers check in.
the one thing “Vikings” has going for it? It takes time for many to discover cable shows, and it is certainly possible that by the time season 2 premieres, many new fans will be on board after hearing about it from one of their friends over the summer or fall.
What do you think about this renewal news? Be sure to share some of your thoughts below, and you can compare the most-recent ratings for the show to the premiere by visiting the story over at the link here.
Photo: History