AGT: All-Stars preview: Aidan Bryant returns with new aerial act

AGT: All-Stars season 1Leading up to Monday’s new AGT: All-Stars episode, why not get a taste of what is coming courtesy of NBC?

One of the standouts for this particular episode coming up is Aidan Bryant, and for good reason. He is a fantastic aerial performer who delivered the goods on the flagship America’s Got Talent not that long ago, and he is back to show that he has evolved even more. He’s one of the best for his age that we’ve ever seen, and there is no denying that his artistry and athleticism remains off the charts.

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Is this going to be enough to ensure that he moves forward to the next round? That is what is so hard to gauge, at least for the time being. We saw with the premiere earlier this week just how complicated a lot of this stuff can be, especially since the oh-so-mysterious “superfans” are the people responsible for voting alongside the judges. The criteria for who should advance is so subjective on this show without the audience at home actually voting. This is going to remain a flaw for this show for however long that it is around.

What we can at least say for now is simply this: Aidan is more than capable of moving on and beyond just that, we tend to think that he could step things up even more in the next performance. We know that this is a crazy thing to even consider, given the fact that in this performance alone, he’s already hovering high in the air without any sort of (literal) safety net down below.

You can watch a preview for Aiden’s performance over here.

Do you think there is a good chance that Aidan Bryant will advance on AGT: All-Stars?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for other updates you don’t want to miss.

Photo: NBC

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