‘Big Brother Canada’ interview: Aneal Ramkissoon talks shocking exit

AnealWe have quite a bit to get to today when it comes to “Big Brother Canada,” especially since there are some very interesting (and also very shocking) rumors flying around left and right about why the live feeds are down today, and whether or not Emmett may have cheated to win Head of Household.

However, we don’t want to spend this article getting too much into that, mostly because like it was unfair that Aneal Ramkissoon had to leave the game without really any opportunity to get a proper farewell, it doesn’t seem nice to spend his exit interview talking about something that is currently blowing up Twitter. If you want to read more on the controversy, bookmark our tag page and we’ll have something more on the subject a little later (and it may actually be there now, depending on when you read this).

It was easy to feel very bad for Aneal after what happened last night: he was a guy who loved the game and came into this season with a genuine love for the game and some smart strategy. However, they never really came to fruition as he was ultimately booted from the show thanks to a stunning twist that saw Suzette saved by the Canadian public.

Cartermatt.com – So first of all, let’s start with this: how are you doing now that you’ve had some time to get over what happened?

Aneal Ramkissoon – I’m doing okay. It was a shock. I’m just happy to have made it into the house, and there really was nothing that I could have done.

So as someone who loves the game and has seen some other twists before like the coup d’etat, was there anything that you could have done to plan or strategize for something like this?

Something like that is a ‘Big Brother Canada’ unique twist, and when it comes to campaigning or saving yourself, there’s really nothing that you can do right in that moment. It comes to voting out the bigger threat, and when I was up against AJ I think the house viewed me the bigger threat.

(Editors’ note: The following question may not be too applicable if we have a reset of the game.)

Do you think that Emmett has HoH could be influenced to put up someone like Liza or even Tom?

I think with Jillian coming to her senses, I think she can have a strong impact on his HoH just as she did his HoH.

What did you think about Aneal’s play this season, and are you going to miss him? If you want to read some of our highlights from last night’s live feed, you can do so by heading on over to the link here.

Photo: Slice

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