Is Alaska Daily new tonight on ABC, back with season 1 episode 7?

Alaska Daily season 1

Is Alaska Daily new tonight on ABC? The show was off last week due to Thanksgiving, but are Hilary Swank and the rest of the cast back?

Ideally, we would love to be here with some more good news to share about the show’s immediate future … but alas, we cannot. There is no new episode tonight and instead, we’re going to be forced to keep waiting for a rather long time. The plan is for it to return in late February, where it will air alongside Grey’s Anatomy and Station 19 once more. This is the lineup that gives it the best actual chance of succeeding so, of course, it makes all the sense in the world that ABC be patient when it comes to planning things out.

Now, of course, we do wish we had a little more insight as to what lies ahead! Even with that, we do tend to think that the network will be happy to keep us waiting mostly because they can. Odds are, we’re going to have a chance to at least see a synopsis in late January or early February, and the same goes for some sort of further trailer for what lies ahead.

One other thing we hope is that moving forward, we are going to see the show improve somewhat when it comes to the ratings. There is a reasonably good chance that viewers fell a little bit behind simply due to everything that was going on in the fall, and can you really blame them if that is the case? The most important thing for Alaska Daily now is that it builds up some momentum and, hopefully, finds its way to a season 2 on the other side. We probably won’t know a firm decision on that for a good while.

What do you most want to see as we inch closer to Alaska Daily season 1 episode 7 on ABC?

Let us know right away in the comments. Once you do that, keep coming back for all sorts of other updates.

Photo: ABC

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