Survivor 43 episode 11 preview: Can Owen bounce back?

Survivor 43

Tomorrow night is going to bring Survivor 43 episode 11 to CBS and on the surface, it’s pretty clear who is on the bottom.

Can Owen find a way to recover and boost his footing in the game? That remains to be seen. He’s been on the wrong side of many votes and in a sneak peek over at the show’s official YouTube Channel, he compares himself to Charlie Brown getting the football constantly pulled away from him. There is something admirable in him finding a way to survive despite all of this adversity; at the same time, though, he may have a hard time building a resume where he claims he is in control of the game. That may not matter if he can finish strong, and that’s what makes this week so interesting.

So where can Owen realistically go at this point? One of the biggest things he could try to do is get the old Baka back together. He has a little bit of trust currency with Gabler and Sami thanks to the past and if the three can get Karla and/or Cassidy on board, they could have some control! The problem here is if the old Baka is considered a trio. There are only seven people left, and few people would want to go to the top six with a trio. This is what makes this spot in the game so interesting.

From our vantage point, the most dangerous people left by far is Jesse. Yet, he’s had so much control that taking him out could not prove altogether easy. Get ready for an episode where some players try to throw everything against the wall. Before long all advantages and idols will be null and void; people are going to start using what they’ve got left.

Are we rooting for Owen? Absolutely, but there is no denying that he’s got a difficult road ahead.

Related Take a look at some additional updates on Survivor and the future

What do you most want to see moving into Survivor 43 episode 11?

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