‘Big Brother Canada’ live feed spoilers: Nomination chatter and alliances

Canada CastWe weren’t quite sure how the “Big Brother Canada” nomination ceremony was going to be handled, but we went into Friday night with the assumption that like with the American show, it was probably going to happen before the houseguests went to bed.

However, we’re starting to wonder now whether or not that is going to be the case. It is now 10:10 p.m. in the house, and there is no sign of a nomination ceremony on the horizon; to us, that means it will probably happen in the morning, that way there is enough time to edit it for the show on Sunday night. (Warning: the following contains spoilers from the live feed.)

So who is looking now like the top nominees? At the moment, the general feeling is that Head of Household Jillian is probably going to put up Danielle and Gary on the block, and for good reasons. While neither party is an enormous threat, this may be helpful early in the game since she does not want any aggressive people coming after her. The thinking here is that Danielle (who rubs a good percentage of the house the wrong way) is the target, but there is also some curiosity in seeing whether or not Gary will self-destruct. If so, getting rid of him is a pretty easy choice. Suzette is also on the radar, mostly because no one is afraid of her.

The biggest mistake Jillian made today was getting closer than ever to Emmett, which has led to conspiracy theories that they’re a bonafide could to that they may have known each other before the game.

While all of this is going on, we love how Alec and Peter are becoming the most intriguing alliance in the game. They are a little reminiscent of Chilltown in that neither is too concerned about winning competitions, and they instead just want to control the house while staying under the radar. (Plus, we loved the “Survivor” chat they had in the backyard tonight.)

Do you think that Jillian is making the right choice? If you want to check out our full interview with Kat Yee, you can see it here. Meanwhile, click here if you want to see full updates from the house.

Photo: Slice

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