‘Big Brother Canada’ review: An eviction and the Head of Household challenge

ThomasThe first “Big Brother Canada” live eviction show is here, and there was quite a bit of ground once again that the show covered. We had a Veto Meeting, a live vote, an eviction, a Head of Household challenge, and a brief interview with Dan Gheesling. (Be sure to check out our full interview with Dan here from the premiere party!)

Very early on during this episode, it was obvious in some ways that the show still has some kinks to work out; after all, they spoiled that Kat was the replacement nominee without even realizing it in the opening minutes. That was our first real issue we’ve had with the season, but then there was one moment leading up to the Veto Meeting that made us almost forget about it: Aneal being awesome. His strategy of throwing glitter all of the place and blaming Gary for it was brilliant: he knew who was a big-time target, and he could make things worse for him without casting suspicion on himself.

Did it work? Well…

The Veto Meeting – Suzette’s nomination speech was hilarious: she basically sat there, proclaimed that she was against bullying, and then said that she “loved” Kat and she had to put her up. Wait … what? Suzette may be the worst first HoH in the history of this show: she flip-flops, acts afraid to make a decision, and she also nominated someone for reasons largely in her own head. We probably would have put up Gary, mostly because there was no one who seemed like they were going to miss him and his glitter-throwing ways.

The handcuff challenge following this was completely ridiculous, and it was the sort of forced entertainment that we don’t typically see in the United States. However, it was totally worth it just to see Gary and Tom tied together, and to see Danielle hate her life after getting stuck with Peter. While we would have preferred more strategy, this was at least something interesting.

The elimination – One other thing that “Big Brother Canada” should work on is simply the elimination order: in making Aneal the first person to vote, it was pretty obvious that Kat was going home. What was a little interesting is the random vote that Liza threw at Emmett, which may be a good way to stir things up.

Meanwhile, Talla wins the award for strangest DR vote as she decided to try to fashion herself as some sort of awkward Hollywood starlet. Kat went home in a near-unanimous vote, and the only real positive is that she seemed to be relatively upbeat about the whole ordeal.

When Kat came out … where was the applause? Okay, we kind of wish that the house was more directly connected to the live audience, since we like that feeling of bursting from the house to cheers rather than another introduction from Arisa Cox.

The Head of Houeshold challenge – We have an endurance challenge! Basically, the theme here is simply to stay on your tree for as long as possible and don’t let go. This is a nice way to start things off, since it really is a battle of who wants it the most, and it certainly favors some of the lighter houseguests.

What do you think about Kat’s elimination? We’ll have an interview with her tomorrow, so stay tuned for more of that. If you want to check out more “Big Brother Canada” updates, be sure to hit up the story over here.

Photo: Slice

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